Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Alma mater ...travelogue!

7.30 a.m there was a knock on the open door. We had a quick sip of tea. In an hour we left for the Manoj family’s new house. Munikesh who skipped yesterdays get together was present with his family. Manoj wife’s birthday coincided with his pip ceremony there were twin celebrations.

The new four lane road to Dholpur was a pleasant surprise. Although extended at its ends the township has managed to remain visibly unaltered in last two decades. Of the few visible developments is a Navodhalya School on the way, appears to be a fine boarding school.

Getting past the gates of the school was a walk down the memory lane. The police man at the gate seemed nonchalant to visitors. The first person to meet us was Mr Das, the principle (a man of few words). He keeps the same demeanour – cheerful and slightly bent with hands behind his back.

Rajiv was very excited upon his arrival to the school. We took a walk around. The library seems unchanged except for the PC on the librarians table. Theres a panoramic view of the vast expanses of land below – the residential complex and the vast sports grounds. These had been places of our daily walk and run.

The palace is in want of preservation. The classrooms have the same black boards, long desk & benches. All these could be replaced with white board, projector system and educational apparatus perquisite for a modern class room. Purposeful computer faculty and internet access leaves most to be desired.

In the Biology lab, dead preserved snakes and reptiles lied in their same old glasses. These supposing aid to make biology an interesting subject and are a legacy too.

For tea Rajiv took us to the cadets who turned up with their own glasses. While interacting the students maintained a studied casualness and were sceptical but enthusiastic about their future prospects. Rajiv did sublime counselling - “Be full on fun”.

We took a walk uphill. The view of the Chambal ravines was enchanting as always.

At the residential complex, compound walls and fences have sprouted over. Along the road slogan boards have been put up - Discipline, Punctuality & Patriotism.

Due to the monkey menace the hostel blocks have been wire messed. It gave an impression of a prison blocks. The open view is now restricted by the compound walls.

 The squash court had a broken door. Some repair work was in progress in the blocks.  The dormitories have new cots and lockers along with study tables. Pictures of IMA were placed on some tables.

The Vikram House has been renamed Shivaji. Rajiv belonging to Vikram house was seemingly disenchanted. Jagan House persists while all Georgians tolerate its continued existence.

Someday the houses can be named in honour of the ex Georgians who laid their life in line of duty for the nation in war. It would be honourable to their families and the institution.

For lunch we went to the cadet’s mess. The food retains its aroma and flavour and after so many years - tasted good.

A noticeable change was that the school had no medical officer, only a compounder to attend the cadets. Ironically enough the school captain was bitten by a verminous insect, due to medical neglect, a part of the finger faced the prospect of amputation.

Before leaving we went on for a game of basketball with the young guys.

We drove to the sports ground. The football ground now has no rocks in the main sports field. So the game is less injurious over here now. Hockey is not played anymore. “Students get injured”. To me it’s absurd but as the school doesn’t have a medical officer, it seems to be playing safe.

Being a Georgian, Manoj had been quite fervently involved to improve the available facilities in the alma mater. It is rather sad that the post for an ex Georgian is now being withheld.

 Manoj travelled along to Agra. Catching up with the old times the time so swift passes by. We took the bypass reaching Delhi at around midnight.

 I trust I did not burden you with any digression into the subtleties of the various topics and hope the reading was as gratifying, as the trip was to us. Let me hear from you.
