Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Subodh: my association, interaction & memoir!


Nearing midnight at 11:51 PM came Manjit’s last update on Subodh, “No pulse rate”. Two minutes later Manjit left the w'app group ‘for a cause’ while the condolences poured in.

Our formative years were spent in boarding at Military School at Dholpur. Boarding school is an adventure and the inmates are friends for life. Unlike the civil life in boarding the friends are there all of the time and not just when it suits them. 

Also, it develops a certain integrity that sets the students apart. Subodh was one such friend - cheerful, reserved and simple. While I was aloof of studies, at least by my standards, he was a studious guy.

As usual to the studious lot, Subodh was not in the mischievous shots like skipping PT, classes, evening sports or running away to town for a movie. A friend of everyone, punctual and disciplined. the closest word complementing him will be ‘simple’!

In class VIII our houses were reshuffled and we both got the ‘Chittor’ house. My closest association with him was in the Senior dorm where his cot was near opposite. I along with Manoj and Vibhuti shared a bonding with Subodh.

Unlike Manoj he didn’t got into hearty talks or wasn’t outspoken like Vibhuti, who mostly was our ringleader, yet he was happy to hang around sharing a few bytes now and then. 

Often to my annoyance, Subodh would side with Vibuthi even to a fault. He cheerfully participated in the house co-curricular activities, though he never sought limelight. 

I must confess, once in school I felt like having disappointed Subodh, or I suppose so!

For NDA writtens the class choose Bareilly as center. My father being transferred to Bareilly at that time provided me with an opportunity of home stay. I invited my friends Manoj and Vibhuti to stay along. Subodh was always subtle and polite and so without a word exchanged I felt guilt for not asking him. Nothing lies heavy on you in younger days.


Subodh was in pleasant terms with everyone - classmates, teachers and juniors or paraphrasing it, in his simplicity and politeness, he didn’t bother anybody!

Apart from it, I don’t recollect much except his liveliness and occasional keen enthusiasm.

A decade after school, I took upon an opportunity to meet Subodh. After having suffered losses, running own spectacles shop, he got appointed as a manager of Titan eyecare outlet near South Extension in Delhi. 

I went to meet him at this fancy spectacles’ shop. In India, Titan is the pioneer of inducing glamor in eye glass industry.

Generally, I avoided entering expensive stores as I was paranoid - of storekeepers judging me window shopping!

As Subodh, the manager, greeted me in the fancy shop, for a change - the sales men & ladies were overtly courteous.

Subodh offered me to buy eyeglasses at special discount. But even with all the discounts, the prices then to me, were outrageous. I told him, “the next time”, never hoping ‘the next time’ to actually arrive. 

Our other friend Kamal happened to be in Delhi for a few days and so came over to join us. The boarding friends’ factor is huge and a lot of kibitzing is shared, yet there was an obvious contrast.

Subodh just wanted to chat over a cup of coffee while Kamal insisted on drinks, “can’t talk without it” Kamal claimed.

I realized, coffee in a bar is an expensive affair. Kamal had managed to locate a bar in on the top floor in the South Ext. market.

Subodh and me settled for a coffee. Though Kamal wished to stay longer, but after his two pegs we did beat retreat. 

It was nostalgic meeting with two old pals poles apart. Much water had flown under the bridge.

Next, a couple of years ago, my mother was undergoing treatment for Liver ailment in Fortis, Subodh came to see me with Ajay Bharangar in Noida. Though he had his plans to leave early, but we held him for the whole day. He was grumpy but did cheerfully bear with us on our insistence.

One fine morning Subodh drove by and took me to his new apartment in Delhi. It was a reasonably nice upcoming apartment, though we drove through a few congested roads, quite usual in Delhi!


While I am frightful of driving through the congestion of Delhi roads, the otherwise reserved Subodh was a changed person behind the wheels of his WagonR. “initially I was driving shy, now after bumping the car a few times, I don’t mind anymore” Subodh said exuberantly. 

Though his swift driving in the crowded Delhi lanes shell shocked me, Subodh was so lively the day long.

The last time I met Subodh was at Rajiv Dwarika apartment. I was undergoing a professional course near the airport and came over to meet Rajiv; who with Jet airways, if not flying was usually vela. Times have changed since.

We walked out of his society and happen to randomly walk in a Titan eye shop knowing Subodh association with Titan. This time I picked up a new glass frame by Rajiv choice. He is good in making choices, or I think so.

The sway good old friends hold can be gauged by the fact that my expensive gadgets are only recommendations of Rajiv!

This time, Subodh guided us on the phone, with the prudent type of eye lens and of course - the discount.

The next day when I was scheduled to receive my pair of glasses, Subodh made it a point to be present there.

In our chit chat, he did mention of his illness and its effect on his job. Later that evening, I dropped him near his apartment on my way back. Even in his illness he was forthcoming. It never occurred then, that was to be our last meeting.  

Apart from occasional mentions while recounting classmates in casual chatters, the next I heard of him was last month from Rajesh, while he happened to call Lalit to raise money for Subodh ailment and family concerns. 

Classmates Manjeet and Bedi had formed Anibram foundation in Delhi. The classmates made contributions and some finances were provided to Subodh for his treatment through the foundation. 

We were somewhere aware of Subodh health concerns but not on the attitude of his immediate family and relations yet…

Wapp group ‘for a cause’ initiated by Rajesh on 18th Aug 2020, got the classmates aware of the health concerns and family support. Few weeks later, on 14th Sept 2020 Rajesh met Subodh at his home while Subodh sat on his bed with an obvious effort and a swollen face likely due to steroids he took to suppress the pain he suffered.

The same day he got hospitalized due to low hemoglobin and blood loss.

Subodh was moved to ICU on 18th Sept 2020 & then came the news of Liver failure. Never knew this stage will come so early, it got concerning at this point.

It being India, high level political connection is required to get an emergency admission in AIIMS, Delhi.

On 19th Manjit posted a few pictures of Subodh which were distressing. Few classmates put their bid behind Subodh and so finally the same afternoon he got admitted in AIIMS emergency.

AIIMS - The beacon of Hope for the hopeless turned out to be just a straw in the ocean that may provide a glimpse of hope but not the much required medical deligence unless backed by influence. Such sorry state of affairs in an institution meant for distinction!

Next morning came Manjit update that no doctor was attending Subodh and Subodh’s condition is getting from worst to worst……more than worsts…..feeling helpless. Finally, by noon, "special thanks to Baliyan, Vibhu and Prateek, their approach is getting materialized. Doctors are around and shifting to the ward is approved, subject to bed availability". 

On 20 Sept 2020 evening, Subodh got and a separate bed.

Now the treatment centered on Liver… My family had dealt with this a couple of year back with enormous support from family and friends.

"Now the first thing is donor. Subodh dad is no more, Mom is 70+, Elder brother lives in village with his family. Difficult to contact him and convince. Younger brother lives in Delhi and never turned up. What now???" Manjit posted!

Abet late the classmates stood ground. Vibhuti mentioned, “I really don’t understand the Health system in India?? How can one afford 35-40 lakhs for a live saving procedure? Wow unbelievable!!! And how come hospitals charge so much??”

Opinion of our classmate’s doctors was critical to the situation. Vibhuti mentioned, “Usually a donor in liver transplant is a dead patient who consents for organ donation after death. Living person usually cannot donate enough tissue to salvage an Adult. Once the patient full fills the criteria, he is on a waiting list.

On 21st Sept Manjit had a late evening update, “Subodh pain in stomach is increasing despite giving IV painkillers”.

Nearing midnight at 11:42 PM came the next update, “Subodh’s vitals are decreasing” and at 11:51 came Manjit’s last update on Subodh, “No pulse rate”.

Two minutes later Manjit left the group ‘for a cause’ while the condolences poured in. Manjit stood by Subodh in his last days while not many of his family members bothered. Subodh must have felt proud of him.


Subodh is survived by his wife and two school going daughters. As he was the only breadwinner in the family, you are welcome to kindly contribute! 

To enquire: Manjit             +91 98103 26486  (India)

                       Rajesh             +91 99102 60079   (India)

                       Vivek                +1(902) 719-4804 (Canada)

I scribbled this note and mentioned my afterthought being buddies with Subodh & I believe in the cause. Discretion is encouraged!
