Tuesday, December 6, 2022

CRIME, INTENT, TIME AND MOTIVATION - The state of our Police force.

If you happen to be the victim of Buglery, you go to Police. (Everybody learns as a child).

When reality occurs:

(expressed views are personal based on recent experience).

Most of your story is their waste-of-time; police knows what's happened and he is no more curious.

Our Policeman runs through the motions. 

Once the initial motions are complete, he doesn't have time. There's yet another robbery, assault, riot, murder or a VIP visit that requires his attendance.

Is Police competent of chasing the thieves and buglers ??

Well! we would have known,,  had our Police got the time (..and likely motivation).

In simple words does our Police inspires confidence towards safety and security?

For me, untill writing this post, it still does though somehow...

More insights to subsequently follow...

Feel free to share (..including your experiences) and comment!!!
