Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The survey mobilization!

A scribble of arduous mobilization of the survey vessel and two survey boat.

We had to demobilize all routed cables from earlier setup prior to commencing the vessel mobilization, as the location of survey container was changed from fwd. to aft of the deck. 

The survey equipment was spread all over the vessel from bridge to below deck.

There was no inclusive equipment list or handover note to refer to.

All computers and equipment secured in the survey container were badly moisture and dust ridden, to the effect that most of the systems didn’t boot up. 

All computers had been opened for maintenance and cleaning of PCBs and RAM to start up the system. 

The wire ropes onboard are strained and worn off; we had an incident of wire rope snapping off the multibeam pole. Few systems were found without required accessories.

Given that in the initial team of seven personnel, with only one engineer, and few in mobilization team who didn’t even had an orientation of various equipment and mobilization of the survey spread as considerable as this one, it was quite a task at hand. 

As the required crew and equipment subsequently started coming, with enthusiastic team work, and in efficient consultation with base engineers, issues were resolved. 

We carried out boat calibration and survey along with vessel mobilization, which involved working long hours after completion of the boat survey for the day.

Over it the vessel was grounded on the maiden day of survey. 

With considerable effort we were able to manage safe recovery all grounded survey sensors, now we face inclement weather, for testing and remobilization of the multibeam sensor pole at sea, final verification of which will be made after calibration. 

It was again a good team work. When time permits we plan to have orientation of the survey team to POS MV and other systems. 

It had been a hectic time onboard and in view of my current engagement with reset up of multibeam system.

So we have our hands full!

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