Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome onboard! the world of a Hydrographic Survey Engineer

Welcome onboard! the world of a Hydrographic Survey Engineer

Of the many jobs a Hydrographic Survey Engineer performs, Here is an example of one...

Things are a bit different here (as thay say ...all is a (computer) game.

A Construction Barge (a floating platform 100 to 1000 m in length)

                                                                                                                       .        ... is ...               

...& with its many Anchors, On Display it looks   like a Spider and moves like one ...(on Its Anchors)


...The Anchor in Turn is carried over and layed by the Tug (Anchor Handling Vessel)...


        ... is ...

a unmanned oil extracting platform is...

                                                                                                      .                     ... is ...

a manned oil processing platform is ...

                                                                       .        ... is ...                  




                           ... is towed (pulled) by it ...            

while this  ...


stores the pipes


& lays the pipe (on the sea bed) enroute ...               

Now ... there are a lot of oil & gas pipes around Oil installations...             

On Display it looks like this...


So  ...a route is designed...

And the Barge tows the lne (route) laying the pipe all the way...

To follow a route... V need a positioning system... in this case (D)GPS...

                                                            ... & a Heading system ...

The equipments are then intrigrated with a navigation software... i.e

Input Output Window...                                                                     Seis...

IOWIN gets the data from the sensors i.e. DGPS,Gyro... & feeds them to Seis engine... to corrospond it to the vessel shapes and configure it on display...

(simply speaking... i.e. if the software understands only Greek. While the sensors talk only English & Spanish; IOWIN converts all the Input  to Greek for the enable a display for good view:


A ROV (Remote Operated Veichel) trails behind the pipe on the bottom (of the Sea) with a camera.


The position of ROV is monitored to note the Touch Down position of the pipe.

Which calls for Under Water Positioning Equipments...i.e.  USBL (Ultra Short Base Line) System.

To conclude ...a Hydrographic Survey Engineer sees to it that all data reaches the display.

Which implies ...Install, Operate, Monitor, Control, Log, Trouble shoot... (Keep the good show going...)

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