Sunday, February 24, 2013

Troubleshooting OBM (Out board motor).

Trouble with a brand new Yanmar Diesel D36 Out board Motor. (Just sharing the experience… may it be of reference to anyone sometime…)

Hi Folks, Installed a new Yanmar D36 OBM with Yamaha RC (Remote control) 703 box.

Fault 1: The RPM throttle liver mechanism on the Remote Control was inverse to the required so was replaced around from another RC box…. which had right alignment.

It worked perfectly for a day, but the next morning won’t start. As is said “Failures are the stumbling blocks to success” Next began the troubleshooting stumbling from one fault to another…

The starter pinion was not engaging the flywheel. On the first gaze suspected misalignment… but on a closer look discovered the stator motor pinion raises only halfway to the fly wheel but not high enough to engage.

Connected starter relay directly to the battery (bypassing Remote Control).  Now the pinion engaged the flywheel, but after cranking it still won’t start.

Fault 2: Likely the starter motor is drawing over current, causing low insulation on RC start cables.
Opened engine housing.

Fault 3: The stop liver flyweight inside the housing is struck midway stop and start position. Released it and the motor is running. Because of it occasionally getting struck, on operating the stop solenoid, instead of stopping the motor, the stop liver nut was loosened. Placed a spring washer.

Released the flyweight and it worked normal.

The stop liver flyweight struck again the next day.
Fault 4: Found one of the three injector tappet broken and lost with its bolt. It required replacement and realignment. In all probability when the rotating camsaft cam engaged the tappet due to misalignment it got the flyweight stuck.

Fault 5: The reverse gear mechanism in the OBM getting struck intermittently… only to be released by forward rotating the propeller.
Hope you found it educative and interesting. Cheers!

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