Thursday, December 24, 2009

April Fool!

So guys......did u guys play any pranks or enjoyed being the April 1st Bakra.

Returning by the office bus my dear buddy Anand handed me over his passport & other documents (just returned from a offshore assignment) as I had a seat. He usually late is pessimistic about getting a seat so keeps throwing his weight around.

I quietly passed over the documents to Madhur (somebody told him - Gentlemen keep smiling!)

At our bus stop Madhur got off before me and Anand was the last one to drop out of the bus.

Anand finding me without his soooo important documents was prompt 2 ask me about it. With a forgetful gaze I simply told him that it might have slipped in the bus.......... as if he was struck by a Shock. Next second he was rushing back to the bus lest it moves on …and in a frantic effort looking up & below the seats.

A sudden sense of guilt engulfed me for making such a gentle hearted guy panic.

 The only consolation came 2 both of us when I reminded him that it was April 1st and he out of the muddle smiled back to me.

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