Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nothing but Winning


Galamaar unofficial naval vocabulary, broadly means ‘one who skips all tasks’. 


Command athletics meet was round the corner. Lieutenant Manoj Kumar, young sports officer with girly looks walked down to mess. He spoke in soft voice which I soon realized was actually a command.

“Raghav you are participating in the race”. He said to me.

“Am I” I related startling.

“Marathon race”. He was prompt to reply. Element of surprise is the hallmark of any offensive.

“Damn! Its 44 kilometers … … I got an injury owing to leg twist in morning PT (Physical Training)”. I articulated limping on my left leg.

“PTI (PT Instructor) reported u were absent from the Physical training”. He cornered me.

“Uuch! It was yesterdays PT” I uttered.

“You have been bunking whole of this month” He checked on the PT muster roll. “I’ll have to report to EXO” He cornered me further.

“I think I’ll run …but not marathon …anything shorter will be fine”

“Half marathon” he sniggered.

“Lesser still” I solicited.

“Ok! 2000 meter race. That’s final” He said with diligence.

“Be kind, you are the best officer onboard!”I eulogized.

“Okay! You go for 800 meters race”. He settled it by his own consent.

 “800 meters is too long & my leg is really injured” I expostulated grumbled.

“You are taking advantage of my kindness, at least run 400 meters” He said pompously.

“You ought to be the welfare officer, just let the run be shorter…!” I remonstrated.

A word of praise never harms, timing though matters! “200 meters just out of my liberality” He puffed in vanity.

“It’s kind of you…200 meters are lengthy, isn’t it!” I squabbled.

“No race is shorter than 100 meters” He sneered.

 “Last and final call for 100 meters heat race” I heard the announcement as I entered Saurya stadium (Saurya means valor…& I was in mood to depict it). Other participants had warmed up and stood their lane for the run. I strolled in.

‘Bang!’ the pistol signaled the start. I was the last to start. The participants waited for me at the finish while I hopped like a kangaroo in slow motion. Cheering party gave me disgusting to pitiful glances & mocked.

You don’t hurt anybody, still get pinched by their response to your action. I felt bad for loosing without even trying.

“Better luck next time” Rohan, who finished first, cajoled me.

“It’s not luck dude” I said with a stare.

The final run was on the fifth day- Final day of the athletic meet.

I skipped the bus and ran instead. Sweat ran behind the ear. It felt refreshing. My place was 12 kilometers while exhaustion overwhelmed me nearing 6 kilometers. I ran faster to mount the bus halted at the bus stop but as I stepped in something within drew me out. ‘I will run’ I promised myself the second time.

‘Winners are among those who don't stop when they are tired’ it is as true in life as in cross country races. Short runs however need swiftness. Both require strength, stamina and above all will! In a marathon the first 22 Kilometers is out of strength another 11 is stamina and the final 11 is will power. Shorter run entail all instant.

I checked my stop watch - 64 minutes meant low stamina. Leg muscles ached. I knew this pain from the cross country run in school days. The next day would be the most painful thereafter pain would recede in three days with regular muscle activity. Physically we can endure …if we don’t give up mentally.

At 0448 hrs I was the first to enter the stadium. I had left my block at 4. Running long after you are tired leads to secretion of adrenal hormones from the pituitary gland into the blood stream which reach the brain and give a high. The pleasure is like that of a drunken man as alcohol too stimulates adrenal rush.  I had experienced it many times & I experienced it now.

One day before finals we had a trial run. I came close to second but finished third. All were surprised by my performance while I felt disenchanted. ‘Nothing but winning’ was my aim.

I challenged the athletes for 10 rounds of the arena. The only thing repressive about sportsmen is that they apply their will and not wits. They contended with reverence.

We began the run. Rohan & I competed to lead for the first three rounds with others following close behind. I retarded to fourth place in fifth round seventh in sixth and finished the last. Rohan applied all his will to lead but finished third. They were dead tired and contented having beaten me again. “Fools are most serious when it matters the least” looking at them, I thought.

In Saurya stadium the next morning Rohan was almost limping. He got a muscle cramp, the doctor had examined. Sports of all other things are about strategy. Rest of the athletes for 100 meters finals too grumbled from muscle ache. They had run too fast and too fast to tear or tire their leg muscles. Although late, they knew their mistake.

I was happy for Rohan who against all odds participated and stood second. As for me’ Nothing but winning’ was my aim.  

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