Friday, December 25, 2009

Nachiketa ...The Play!

….During school hostel days, On ‘Teachers Day’ we put up a play ‘Nachiketa’ in honor of our dear teachers. I was to play the title role; a hidden listener of conversation between his parents waiting with a sword for an appropriate moment to kill his father (an old learned sage).

The stage had Nachikatas’ mother laminating over him having run away, unable to bear his father’s harsh treatment and scolding. The sage, on being asked by his wife for his insensitive behavior replies that his rebuked him to restrict him from exhibiting vanity of his intelligence and knowledge. In fact he believed his son was a gifted with immense qualities and he felt very proud of him

Hearing his father’s true feeling Nachiketa (read I) comes out of cover throwing away the sword and himself on the feet of his father begging 4 pardon for his fallacy. My buddy Vibhuti & Lalit played to role of father & mother respectively. 

The happy ending play was supposed to end with the Lalit (mother) offering food (sweets on a large platter) to me (son). Lalit instead of offering me the sweets held it for himself waiting for the curtains to be drawn. I not to miss the sweets also took hold of the platter. Vibhuti not to miss his share too grasped the platter. The curtain pullers (also classmates) seeing the onstage fun won’t pull the curtains while none of us would let go the platter while the audience had a heart full laugh. Finally the curtains were brought together & the curtain pullers too joined in the loot

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