Friday, October 30, 2020

The Gulf! I complete my 35 days abroad (around the gulf). God gracious, I enjoy my trip.


One feature of offshore Hydro graphic survey is that you are in constant move with a different company every time. Adaptability ...means keeping a good humor all of the times.


Here I find the people from Rome and Assis the softest spoken. Roman’s use “Pardon me please”, “Can u please” ...before everything they mouth, while Aussis almost sing while they are talking. “ Ieee L i i i ke it”.


V Indians are strangers to such nicety & courtesy. Life in India is hard, somewhat rude and strife. (...or so v look at it). V do everything LOUD – celebrations, joys & grief! Subtlety is not natural to us.


The British acknowledge you as SIR – to tease you (While v feel proud). Strange are the ways of the world.


Kish island port in Iran is the only port for foreigners. That way v don’t interrupt their culture.


I happened to be driven through Dubai & I was just stunned...! It’s sprawling with glass palaces (towering buildings).


The highest towers (in the globe) Burj Khalifa is wonderful ...stretching high like two huge needles piercing the sky.


The only places of interest around are the malls (only for the air conditioning) as the prices here are higher than India, although you may find the latest electronic and cosmetic stuff.


The shopkeepers are predominantly malyalee men or Philippine women. I picked a Nokia 6700 slide. Its handy with a 5MP camera.


I was surprised to find that almost whole of UAE is driven by Pakistanis (polite paki drivers).


UAE is the most contemporary place in the Gulf. U can see Philippine’s women in shorts in and around the emirates of Dubai.


However, in the neighborhood Emirates of Sharjah a man could be fined for half sleeve shirt in public place...lest to talk of shorts. Police can rob you of your jewelry (it goes to the kings’ treasury) and fine you for asking it back.


Currently I am sailing to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Will pen about the place the next time. As of now I am awaiting ...concluding my trip and return home in the month of August.

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